Newspaper Articles

Huntington Herald-Dispatch
October 10, 1958

Nixon To Address Rally Tonight

Plane To Land At 4 P. M.

Overflow Likely At Field House

By Harry Flesher

Richard Milhous Nixon, Vice President of the United States, will arrive at the Tri-State Airport at 4 P. M. today to speak in Huntington tonight on behalf of Republican nominees running in the November election.

Virtually every one of West Virginia's 55 counties will be represented at the meeting at Memorial Field House, as will the neighboring sections of Ohio and Kentucky.

An overflow crowd was anticipated, with reports being received hourly yesterday of new out of city groups planning to come to the rally.

Whirlwind Schedule

An arrangements committee headed by Editor Raymond Brewster of The Herald-Dispatch has scheduled a series of fast-moving events, starting with the arrival of the Vice President and continuing through 9:30 P. M., when Mr. Nixon is to complete his address.

West Virginia this year is to elect two U. S. senators and six congressmen, and the Vice President will place special emphasis in his address on the importance of returning to Washington Senators Chapman Revercomb of Charleston and John D. Hoblitzell, Jr., of Ravenswood, and Congressman Will E. Neal of Huntington.

He will speak also on behalf of First District Congressman Arch Moore of Moundsville and of the three other GOP nominees for congressional seats.

Tonight's rally at the Field House wills tart at 8 P. M., with Mr. Brewster presiding.

Plan Giant Welcome

Speaking before the Vice President will be Senators Revercomb and Hoblitzell, Congressman Neal and Governor Cecil Underwood.

Governor Underwood is to introduce the Vice President.

Planned for this afternoon are two demonstrations honoring the Vice President. Large delegations are to be on hand at the airport, where the Vinson High School Band will play. At about 4:30 P. M., the official motorcade is to arrive at the Hotel Frederick, with music for this out-of-door ovation being provided by the Chesapeake High School band.

After entering the hotel, the Vice President is to go immediately to the ballroom, which has been taken over as press headquarters. There he will be interviewed by newsmen. Afterward he will attend a reception arranged in his honor by party dignitaries.

The Vice President is to leave Huntington immediately after his address.

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