Newspaper Articles

Morgantown Post
April 16, 1960

Kennedy Itinerary Listed for Monday

Senator John F. Kennedy, Democratic Candidate for nomination to the presidency, will arrive in Morgantown at 3:10 pm Monday by car from Fairmont and spend the rest of the day and evening here meeting the public.

Highlight of his visit here will be an open-to-the-public reception in the Hotel Morgan from 8 to 10 pm, following a day of stops at various points in the county.

He will be accompanied during the visit by members of his staff and local Democratic officials. Mrs. Kennedy - Jackie - will be in Morgantown and the two of them will greet everyone personally at the reception.

Senator Kennedy's itinerary follows:

3:10 - Sterling Faucet, incoming and outgoing workers

Next, Scott's Run Area

4:30 - The Shack (Miners' Memorial Center) at Pursglove for an afternoon reception

8:00 - Brief address at the reception in the Hotel Morgan Ballroom

Senator Kennedy will leave for Wheeling after the reception in Morgantown.

Among the local officials accompanying Kennedy will be Co-Chairmen George Fumich and Herman V. Walker of the Kennedy-for-President committee from Monongalia county.

The public is invited to meet Kennedy along his itinerary - especially at The Shack and at the Hotel Morgan.

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