Newspaper Articles

Williamson Daily News
April 23, 1960

Rolvaag Stumps Here For Humphrey

Sen. Hubert Humphrey was pictures today as "the one candidate with the ability to stand up to Vice President Nixon and out-campaign him from start to finish" in the general election race for president.

Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag of Minnesota made the statement during a stop here on a swing through southern West Virginia' coalfields in behalf of Humphrey's candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Humphrey and Sen. John F. Kennedy are viewing for the largest popular vote in West Virginia's May 10 primary. The state's National Convention delegates are uncommitted.

Rolvaag said Humphrey "has the fighting spirit of Harry Truman and he doesn't straddle the fence . . . He is the one candidate among the many proposed who can attract solid support from both labor and farm groups as well as from independent small businessmen."

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