Newspaper Articles

Hinton Daily News
April 25, 1960

Kennedy To Appear In Hinton Wednesday

U. S. Senator John F. (Jack) Kennedy, Democratic candidate for president will be in Hinton at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday for a speaking engagement in the court house park.

He will come here from Princeton and Concord College where he was scheduled to speak earlier, and will leave Hinton for a speech in Alderson at 2 p.m. He will later appear at Ronceverte at 3 o'clock, Lewisburg at 4:00 and White Sulphur at 5 p.m. before flying to Martinsburg from the White Sulphur airport. In case of rain, Senator Kennedy's talk here will be delivered in the Memorial Building.

About 23 persons are in the Kennedy party and some of his backers here are planning to meet him at Athens in order to attend the meeting when he talks to the Concord College student body.

Senator Kennedy is opposed in the West Virginia primary by Senator Hubert Humphrey who appeared in Hinton earlier.

Senator Kennedy's visit to Hinton is of particular interest at this time since Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a telegram to John E. Amos, National Committeeman, has charged that Vice President Nixon and other top Republican officials have "sent word to West Virginia's Governor Cecil Underwood to attack Senator Kennedy."

Roosevelt, who has been campaigning on behalf of Senator Kennedy in West Virginia, declared that the Republican's strategy of smear is predicated on their belief that Senator Kennedy is the most difficult candidate to defeat in November.

"They have elected to try to stop him in West Virginia," Roosevelt asserted. "They would prefer to see a candidate emerge in West Virginia who they know cannot be nominated."

Roosevelt said Nixon and the Republican National Committee, "the political arm of the Republican Administration", sent instructions to Governor Underwood.

Roosevelt maintained that the Republicans ironically have joined with Democratic candidates and the "infamous" James R. Hoffa to stop Kennedy "at any cost" because "national polls show Kennedy by far the strongest of the Democratic candidates and the only one who is running ahead of Mr. Nixon.

"When you see a gang-up," Roosevelt said, "you know that the conspirators are resorting to a most desperate last ditch assault."

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