Newspaper Articles

Alderson Times
April 28, 1960

Kennedy Called Back To Washington Before Alderson Arrival

Senator John F. Kennedy's appearance and speech scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at the Alderson high school auditorium proved to be a "dud" as did his appearances elsewhere in the Greenbrier Valley.

Due to the fact that a radio broadcast earlier in the day reported that Senator Kennedy had been called back to Washington and could not keep his engegement[sic] and a later broadcast reported his brother, Ted Kennedy's plane was grounded in Charleston due to weather conditions and he could not pinch hit for the senator, the whole thing fell through.

Although a good many of the citizens of the Alderson area had seen and heard Kennedy on TV, indications were that there would have been a good crowd out in spite of the rain.

So Alderson missed, as did all other towns of this area, having the honor of a visit from a presidential candidate and Senator Kennedy missed seeing the beautiful Greenbrier Valley and meeting its fine citizens and maybe lost some votes.

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