West Union W.V. December 21st 1863
Arthur J. Boreman Esg
Governor of West Virginia
I see you have the appointing
on an enrolling recruiting officer in each
county in our state
not knowing who has been recommended from this county but presuming
there will be several
I would recommend to you the
name of Enoch B Southworth of
this place as verry [sic] suitable man
for the position and an undobted [sic]
Union man
he is not liable to military duty but is willing to do anything for the benefit of the Government you may refer to Capt BB Stone [transcriber omission - provost] Marshal--- as he nows [sic] him
Your consideration to the above recommendation will mush ablige Your Respectfully
Benj H Maulsby
Transcription by Rob Hawkins, undergraduate student enrolled in Dr. Billy Joe Peyton's Fall 2010 "Introduction to Public History" at West Virginia State University