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A special meeting via conference call, with the host site being the Historic Preservation Conference Room at the Culture Center in Charleston, was called to order by Chairman Robert Conte at 11:00 a.m. In addition to Dr. Conte, other voting members in attendance by telephone were Harold Forbes, Becky Frye, Victor Greco, Dr. Charles Ledbetter, Bill Richardson, and Dr. Joan Walker. Ex officio non-voting member present at the host site was Susan Pierce, director, Historic Preservation Section. Also present at the host site were Culture and History staff members Jennifer Brennan, Pam Brooks, Caryn Gresham, Susan Holbrook, and Sara Prior. Voting members unable to participate were Jack Dickinson and Noel Tenney. Ex officio voting members unable to participate were Fredrick Armstrong and Dr. Bill Arnett. Ex officio non-voting members unable to participate were Joe Geiger, director of Archives and History, serving as secretary to the commission; Dr. Michael Hohn, director, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey; Charles Morris, director, Museums Section; Jeremy Morris, president, Preservation Alliance of West Virginia; and Randall Reid-Smith, commissioner of Culture and History. In Mr. Geiger's absence, Ms. Holbrook served as secretary for the meeting.

Chairman Conte called upon Ms. Pierce to explain the purpose of the meeting. Ms. Pierce explained that grants were awarded for the FY2011 federal fiscal year at the February 4, 2011, meeting of the Archives and History Commission. In August, two of the largest Certified Local Government (CLG) grants, awarded to the City of the Ronceverte and the City of Oak Hill, were cancelled leaving $30,000 available. She informed commission members that the National Park Service had given the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) until December 2011 to reallocate the funds to other CLG projects. SHPO must sub-grant at least 10 percent of its annual federal grant to CLGs or return the funding to the National Park Service. Since there were no unfunded projects from the original applications, SHPO had to re-advertise and conduct another round of grants. Their recommendations for grant awards were mailed to commission members (copy attached to official minutes), and Ms. Pierce asked that the commission approve the recommendations.

Mr. Forbes asked if $10,000 was the maximum amount for CLG workshops, and Ms. Pierce responded that it is a fee required by the Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP). Mr. Forbes questioned the low score for the Elkins CLG, and Ms. Pierce responded that Historic Preservation staff will have to give this project more attention due to weak administrative skills. She also noted that professional training will be provided to all CLGs. Dr. Conte asked if the same training will be provided for all three CAMP grant applicants. Ms. Pierce responded in the affirmative and noted that this training has been conducted previously in the Eastern Panhandle. Ms. Frye asked if the realtor training was a pilot program beginning in Berkeley Springs, and Ms. Pierce responded in the affirmative. Ms. Frye stated her belief that the program would foster good stewardship of historic resources with local realtors.

Mr. Greco made a motion to approve the recommendations made by the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the new CLG grant list. Dr. Walker seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Dr. Conte then declared the meeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph N. Geiger, Jr.

Archives and History Commission

West Virginia Archives and History