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FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2020

Due to the pandemic, the Archives and History Commission held an on-line meeting via Zoom video conferencing. Staff from the Department of Arts, Culture and History convened in the Archives and History Library. Chairman Nathan Randolph called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m. In addition to Chairman Randolph, other voting members present were Dr. Melissa Bingmann, Tracy Burch, Laura Carroll, Dr. Robert Conte, Nat DeBruin, Darlene Hassler, Dr. Charles Ledbetter, and Dr. David Trowbridge. Voting members absent were Tommy Bailey, Audy Perry, and Darla Spencer. Ex officio voting member absent was Fredrick Armstrong. Ex officio non-voting members present were Joe Geiger, director, Archives and History Section; Hanna Law, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey; Charles Morris, director, Museums Section; Susan Pierce, director, Historic Preservation Section; and J. Logan Smith, president of Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Ex officio non-voting member absent was Randall Reid-Smith. Also present was Historic Preservation staff member Emily Vance.

Chairman Randolph asked for a motion on the Winter meeting minutes of February 20, 2020. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ms. Burch with a second by Mr. DeBruin. Motion carried.

Chairman Randolph then asked for a motion on the special meeting minutes of April 17, 2020. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Dr. Conte with a second by Ms. Carroll. Motion carried.

Chairman Randolph then asked for approval of the agenda. Dr. Bingmann made a motion to approve the agenda, and Dr. Conte provided a second. Motion carried.

Chairman Randolph called upon Mr. Geiger for the Archives and History report. Mr. Geiger provided Archives and History monthly reports for January and February, and a summary of staff work from March through May (copy attached to official minutes).

Chairman Randolph then called upon Ms. Pierce for the Historic Preservation report. Ms. Pierce provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities.

Chairman Randolph then called upon Mr. Morris for the Museums report. Mr. Morris provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities.

Chairman Randolph then called upon J. Logan Smith for the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia report. He provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed recent activities.

Chairman Randolph then called upon Hanna Law for the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey report. She reviewed recent activities, particularly changes in operations at the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey.

Turning to New Business, Chairman Randolph called for the presentation of the National Register nominations.

St. Albans Railroad Industry Historic District, Kanawha County, nominated under Criterion A, Commerce, Community Planning and Development, Industry and Transportation, with a period of significance of 1906-1963, was presented by Allison Blanton. Dr. Ledbetter moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Carroll provided the second. Motion carried.

Mountain Home, Greenbrier County, nominated under Criteria A and C, Entertainment/Recreation and Architecture, with a period of significance from 1833 to 1963, was presented by Emily Vance. Mr. Smith asked about sources of funding and was informed that nearly all came from private foundations. Dr. Conte moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Burch provided the second. Motion carried.

Chairman then called on Ms. Pierce to present the FY2021 State Development Grants. Following her presentation, Dr. Conte made a motion to approve the recommendations for the FY2021 State Development Grants with the provision authorizing staff to move funds from cancelled projects or projects unable to use all available funding to projects which did not receive full funding and can expend additional funds prior to the end of the grant period, or to the most deserving projects which were not funded at the discretion of SHPO staff, with any remaining funds to carry over to the next fiscal year. Dr. Ledbetter provided the second. Motion carried.

Chairman Randolph called on Dr. Ledbetter for the report of the nominating committee. Dr. Ledbetter reported that the committee recommended the appointment of Nathan Randolph as chairperson and Tommy Bailey as vice-chairperson. There being no nominations from the floor, Dr. Bingmann moved for the adoption of the committee's recommendation, and Mr. DeBruin provided the second. Motion carried.

Chairman Randolph noted that the Fall meeting will be held at the offices of the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey in Morgantown on Friday, October 9, 2020. The Winter meeting will be held at the Culture Center at 1:00 p.m. on March 1, 2021, in conjunction with History Day.

Dr. Bingmann made a motion to adjourn and Chairman Randolph declared the meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph N. Geiger, Jr.

Archives and History Commission

West Virginia Archives and History