
Newspaper War in Wetzel County

Wetzel Democrat
August 16, 1912

Wetzel Tribune In Muddle Which Prevents Its Publication

Judge Willis Grants Attorney E. H. Yost An Injunction, Restraining Publication of Wetzel Tribune.

Injunction Order Obtained Late Wednesday Evening.

There will be no issue of the Wetzel Tribune, the Bull Moose party organ, this week. Late Wednesday evening an injunction order was entered in the Circuit Court, in the chancery cause of John L. Hunt et al. vs. E. H. Yost and W. L. Starbuck, restraining and enjoining the plaintiffs in the case, and the defendant, W. L. Starbuck, from printing, publishing or issuing the Wetzel Tribune for the current week or any future week.

The injunction was granted to Attorney E. H. Yost upon his answer to the bill of complaint, presented to M. H. Willis, Judge of the Circuit Court of Wetzel County, in vacation.

The McCaskeys and McIntires had secured control of the paper through the granting of an injunction by Judge Lynch of Clarksburg, after Highland and Yost had secured it by the purchase from Starbuck of the lease held by him from McIntire and McCaskey. Highland and Yost retaliated by securing an injunction restraining McIntire and McCaskey from printing, publishing or issuing the paper this week or any future week; thus making two injunctions working in opposite directions. At the time the last order was served upon them, part of the paper had been run off. The Hon. James W. McIntire was feeding the press and James McCaskey, former postmaster, was turning the crank and rolling out the papers by the hundred.

The paper promised to be a warm number this week, and the subscribers were anxiously waiting for tits issue. In this they will be disappointed, as there will be no Tribune, and the Bull Moose party is now preparing for another onslaught upon the wearers of the elephant hide.

Rumors coming from a reliable source are to the effect that there is now some kind of a "dicker" on between Yost and Highland on the one side and McIntire and McCaskey on the other, by which the last named gentlemen were to give up the fight over the paper, and that Highland and Yost are to take over the plant. This looks improbable, however, as McIntire and McCaskey could not handily, at such a critical stage in their long fight, give up in such a manner. From past utterances of the Bald Hornet, it would seem that they could never be forced to lay down. A move of that kind would seem rather queer to their following in the county.

Another rumor is to the effect that a certain Republican candidate is at the bottom of all this trouble and was the real instigator of it, being desirous of stifling opposition which he expected to come from the Bald Hornet. We didn't see him instigate it, but have it from good authority that he did so, however, and that Yost took up the matter where he left off, and completed the deal.

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