1. deed Rufus Knotts Jan. 15, 1892
2. letter Rufus Knotts Aug. 20, 1864
3. class register Walnut Class, M. E. Church, South Newton Circuit, Charleston district of WV Conference 1878-1890
4. annual record Epworth League of Methodist Episcopal Church South, 1896-97, 1906, 1917-20
5. docket, accounts Absalom Knotts 1855-69, 1865-67
6. accounts official Rufus Knotts 1869-1874
7. accounts 1870-77 by date
8. accounts 1876-81 by date
9. accounts 1869-73 by name
10. accounts 1869-73 by name
11. accounts 1889-1894 by name
12. accounts c. 1901 C. E. Knotts
13. accounts 1907-15 estate of Rufus Knotts