
Doc of the Day - April 11

Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1772. (State docs, VAZ1.a.1772)

The House of Burgesses was a representative assembly formed in 1619 which served as a representative body with the power to enact legislation within the colony. It was the earliest form of a representative government in the colonies.

Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1772. (State docs, VAZ1.a.1772)
Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1772. (State docs, VAZ1.a.1772)
Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1772. (State docs, VAZ1.a.1772)
Journal of the House of Burgesses, 1772. (State docs, VAZ1.a.1772)

Doc of the Day: April

West Virginia Archives and History