Morgantown Weekly Post
August 10, 1867
This institution is now fully organized and ready to go into operation on the first Monday in September. We call attention to a few particulars in connection with it deserving the attention of students and the friends of education.
1. THE DESIGN OF THE COLLEGE is to promote the liberal and practical Education of the youth of our country in the several pursuits and professions of life.
2. THE BUILDINGS consist of first, the COLLEGE, built originally by Col. Thomas P. Ray, a gentlemen of taste and means; and subsequently much enlarged by the "Woodburn" association. The grounds include more than 26 acres, tastefully laid out; that part not in cultivation being ornamented with forest and fruit trees, beautiful shrubery [sic], flowers, etc. Secondly, the ACADEMY, a large and substantial building, conveniently arranged for study, recitation and lecture, and surrounded with ample grounds, shade trees, etc. Both of the above have been thoroughly renovated and made as good as new.
3. MORGANTOWN, the seat of the College, is unsurpassed for health, good order, and morality. The views and scenery, embracing mountain, river, forests, and farms are exceedingly attractive and picturesque. Coaches leave every morning to and from Fairmont, on the Balto. & O. R. R. There is daily communication, by steamboat, between Pittsburgh and Geneva, 12 miles below Morgantown. A boat is being built to ply regularly on the upper Monongahela as often as the stage of water will permit, which is usually several months in the year. There is also conveyance, on alternate days, between Morgantown and Uniontown, Pa. A place more elegible [sic] for the quiet and successful pursuit of science and literature is no where to be found.
4. THE DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION are as follows, viz:
(1.) Preparatory, where young men and lads are thoroughly drilled and taught in the common English branches and other studies required for entering the College classes proper.
(2.) Literary, embracing a Full Course in the ordinary curriculum of our best American Colleges.
(3.) Scientific, designed for those whose pursuits require thorough culture and discipline, and an extensive acquaintance with the Sciences.
(4.) Agricultural, in which special attention will be given to the various branches of practical Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural Economy, and the Mechanic Arts.
(5.) Military Tactics.
(6.) Students preparing to Teach in our Common schools will receive especial attention and assistance. It is designed to establish a Normal Class during one or more Terms in each year in which the ordinary school studies will be carefully reviewed, exactness and readiness in explanation and definition acquired, and instruction in the most approved methods of organizing and conducting schools imparted.
5. THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE is composed of the best Educators that could be found. All the Professors are experienced and practical men, and earnestly devoted to the several departments of study assigned them.
6. THE COLLEGE YEAR consists of 39 weeks, divided into three Terms of 13 weeks each. A short vacation of about one week intervenes between the first and second, and second and third Terms. Also a recess of one week at Christmas. The following is the CALENDAR for the College Year 1867-8: September 2, First Term begins. November 30, First Term ends. December 4, Second Term begins. December 25, Winter Recess of one week. March 10, 1868, Second Term ends. March 16, Third Term begins. June 17, Meeting of the Board of Visitors. June 18, Third Term ends. Commencement.
7. THE RATES OF TUITION, per Term, are as follows, viz:
Primary Classes, | payable in advance | $3.00 |
Preparatory, | " | 5.00 |
Collegiate, | " | 8.00 |
Students in the Preparatory Department pay one dollar, and in the College, two dollars, per Term, contingent fee. This is scarcely half what is charged for the same purpose, by other schools of similar grade.
GOOD BOARDING, including every thing, except lights and washing, can be had, in the College, for $3.50 per week. Those in charge of this arrangement are entirely reliable. Some of the Teachers, and their families, will also occupy the building.
9. THE LIBRARY is about to receive a small but choice selection of valuable works in Science, Literature, and Art. Such apparatus as the means and demands of the College admit and require will be procured. We earnestly request our numerous friends to make contributions to our Library shelves. Also to collect and forward to us specimens for the Geological Cabinet, the Museums of Minerals, Natural History, etc. Such contributions will be thankfully received, carefully preserved, and the date of reception, locality whence procured, and name of donor permanently attached.
THERE ARE TWO LITERARY SOCIETIES in connection with the College, furnished with suitable Halls, and whose several exercises are, in many respects, of great advantage to the student. The authorities of the College will afford every facility for increasing the accommodations and usefulness of these valuable auxilliaries.
CIRCULARS and further information can be had by addressing the President of the College or any one of the undersigned.
Rev. ALEX. MARTIN, D. D., President, and Professor of Mental and Moral
Rev. J. W. SCOTT, D. D., Vice President, and Professor of Languages.
Col. J. R. WEAVER, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Military Tactics.
Prof. S. G. STEVENS, A. M., Professor of Natural Sciences.
Prof. F. S. LYON, A. M., Professor of English Literature and Principal of Preparatory
GEO. M. HAGANS, Esq., one of our most successful business men, and an experienced
Agriculturist, has consented to act as Superintendent. Tutors, and Assistant Teachers, in the
various departments, will be employed by the Executive Committee, from time to time, as there
may be occasion.
No. Of Dist. ........ Member of Board................ P. O. Address.
1............................T. H. LOGAN,......................Wheeling.
2............................D. B. DORSEY,....................Fairmont.
3............................GEO. M. HAGANS,.............Morgantown.
4............................SAM'L BILLINGSLEY,.......Middlebourne.
5............................W. E. STEVENSON,............Parkersburg.
6............................J. LOOMIS GOULD,............Buckhannon.
7...........................W. W. HARPER,....................Point Pleasant.
8...........................MARK POOR,.......................Ceredo.
9...........................SAMUEL YOUNG,...............Edray.
10.........................JOSEPH T. HOKE,................Martinsburg.
11.........................JAMES CARSKADON,........New Creek.
Geo. M. Hagans, Geo. C. Sturgiss, Ashbel Fairchild, F. M. Durbin, J. A. Dille.
Curriculum of Study.
Spelling, Reading, Writing, Mental Arithmetic, &c., as far as need by, continued from earlier studies through the first and second preparatory years.