
First Annual Mountain State Forest Festival

Elkins Inter-Mountain
October 30, 1930

Crowds Gather As Festival Opens

Sunshine Tempers Autumnal Air As Dawn Breaks Today On Celebration

Brilliant Sunshine Tempers Autumn Air As Festival Opens Today

Many Distinguished Visitors Among Throng In City For Festival

Brilliant sunshine tempered the chilly autumnal air this morning as the first day of the Mountain State Forest Festival dawned and any forebodings of ill weather which may have dimmed the optimism of directors of the Festival were dispelled when the early morning sunshine evidenced the arrival of Indian summer in this locality.

Today, Elkins was resplendent in flags and bunting, and the holiday atmosphere was apparent even in the remote suburban sections.

Distinguished visitors were many and including Governor and Mrs. William G. Conley who led the vanguard of Festival visitors into the city, State Auditor Edgar C. Lawson and Mrs. Lawson also were here and during the day President and Mrs. Roscoe H. Turner, of West Virginia, were expected. C. P. Fortney, chairman of the State Road Commission, came to Elkins last night to attend the road meetings today and Governor Conley was accompanied by Harry L. Brooks. Congressman Frank L. Bowman and Mrs. Bowman were here today with their daughter, who was appointed by Senator H. D. Hatfield to be one of the Princesses-at-large at the court of Queen Silvia. Other officials and prominent private citizens were expected today, and during the remaining days of the Festival.

Color was added to the crowds on the streets this morning by the uniforms of the cadets from Greenbrier Military Academy at Lewisburg who came here with a delegation of Lewisburg citizens to attend the celebration of the completion of Seneca Trail. Some 25 automobiles filled with Lewisburg citizens arrived in Elkins early this morning and another score motor cars transported the cadets and cadet band to Elkins.

Later in the day the West Virginia university cadet band arrived in the city to honor Queen Silvia (Miss Margaret Straley, a student at the university). Miss Straley and and [sic] her mother, Mrs. George E. Straley arrived in Elkins yesterday evening and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bowers. Mr. Straley motored to Elkins from Ripley this morning, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong.

Princesses of Queen Silvia's court also were in Elkins this morning and preparing for the coronation ceremony this afternoon. They are guests of Elkins residents.

To better control traffic in the business section, police this morning closed Davis avenue from near Fourth street to Second street and Third street from the Western Maryland railroad station to Kerens avenue. About 20 West Virginia state police were in the city to assist in controlling traffic. Captain Brown, of Heywood Junction, and First Sergeant Arnold Moore, of Elkins, were in charge.

The Odd Fellows home band made its appearance on the streets about 11 o'clock and added to the color of the occasion. The home boys and girls always present, a pleasing appearance and they were at their best today.

Former Governor John J. Cornwell was another of the distinguished guests who arrived today. It was said that the former governor escaped the escort appointed to meet him and made his way into the city un-hearlded [sic].

Former United States Senator Howard Sutherland and Mrs. Sutherland, who have been here since Monday, met many friends during the day and were active in the Festival events. No persons have more friends or enjoy greater popularity in Elkins than the Sutherlands.

Automobile Parade

More than 50 automobiles were displayed in the parade this morning which opened the activities of the festival.

Headed by the Elkins school band, the Greenbrier Military school Cadet band and the Elkins Odd Fellows home band, the parade attracted the attention of hundred[s] of visitor[s] who lined the curbs.

Five prizes were offered totaling $100 in cash and all were contested by fine displays. Judges reserved their decisions as to the prize winners until this afternoon.

Prizes of $25 each were offered for the oldest car appearing in the parade under its own power, for the most comical car and the best freak machine. A prize of $10 was offered for the neatest dealer's display and $5 each to the three best clowns appearing.

J. M. Woodword, J. Gibson VanMeter and Capt. William H. Cobb were the judges.

There were about 10 dealer's displays from local and out-of-town garages, three or four old time automobiles, dating back as far as 1910 and several freaks and comical machines as well as three or four car loads of clowns.

A Curtis-Wright flying circus from Bettis Field, McKe[e]sport, Pa., arrived at Harper's field about noon and later in the day gave an exhibition over the city. The aviators will give exhibitions of stunt flying and will carry passengers from Harper's field during the three days of the Festival. Their program for each remaining day of the Festival follows: 10 a. m. aerial parade over the city; 11 a. m. acrobatic flying; 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m., passenger carrying; 2 p. m. acrobatic flying; 2:30 to 3:30 p. m., passenger carrying; 4 p. m., aerial parade; 4:30 p. m. parachute jump.

Arts and Entertainment

West Virginia Archives and History