
First Spud and Splinter Festival

Nicholas Chronicle
September 2, 1937

Spud and Splinter Festival is Success

That is what the businessmen say and they should know because they were the gentlemen who footed the bills and made the whole event possible. The bringing together of some 500 out-of-town for the first trial is highly indicative that the second annual Spud and Splinter Festival will bring twice that many.

And the expense has been enormous. Store front decorations cost money, lights for the special affair were expensive, prizes, floats and printing all ran into money. Some wags even referred to the affair as the Spud and Printer Festival due to the large amount of printing to put the Festival over. Commissions were the first major item costing in the neighborhood of $100. The program for the entire festival was not elaborate in design but it had advertising that taxed the wholesalers instead of the local merchants. They were beautifully designed programs for the Rotary banquet at which 200 out of town Rotarians attended, attractive programs for the Admiral's Banquet, and neat instructions and programs for the other activities. Two local businesses go out attractive booklets on the Glades. The program for the Historical Pageant of Nicholas County was done in colors superimposed over a lumberjack and a spud farmer. Letter heads were done in as much as three and four colors. One firm ordered a large number of three color cachets for the stamp collector.

Publicity put the event over. Four daily papers carried front page stories daily on the Festival. The Associated Press gave it more space than the Forest Festival at Elkins got in its infancy.

According to most people the best event was the Rotarian banquet which proved to be a high class affair, congenial speeches, and the utmost hospitality. The Historical pageant was well attended and enthusiastically received. Admirals' Day was the crowning achievement, with some four hundred Admirals resplendent in their paper epaulets and headgear, marching bravely backed up with their clothespin swords. The floats moved majestically, the sweetheart of the Navy was beautiful in her organdie gown, and the court was charming beyond any expectation. The Admirals Banquet wasn't up to par however, the atmosphere that predominated other activities wasn't quite so prevalent. Governor Nice's speech was delightful; Holt's was interesting.

Summersville was well represented. Lawyer Breckenridge looked as dignified as a Lord High Admiral and Dr. Gene Brown was the life of the afternoon with his humor. That is but to mention two of the many.

All gave promise of an event for next year, which will be growing in its popularity and achievement.

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