Charleston Daily Mail
Gore Guest of film Actress at Dinner and at Movie Show
Governor Pays Visit to Gloria Swanson, Temporarily Residing in New Martinsville; Tells Her
if She Doesn't Get Everything She Wants in State "Just Let Me Know"
August 21, 1925
NEW MARTINSVILLE, Aug. 21 - Gloria Swanson, screen star, and Governor Howard M. Gore of West Virginia, former secretary of agriculture in the Coolidge cabinet, met here for the first time last night when the executive was the unexpected guest of the actress at dinner. Later they attended a movie show.
The governor, enroute to Charleston by train, found that he had a wait of four hours here. He found the hotel filled to capacity, although he had asked friends here to obtain a room for him. Miss Swanson, who is here with her company working on a screen play, entered the picture at this point.
She learned of the governor's predicament and invited him to be her guest at the Hull residence which she is occupying. Governor Gore accepted and drove to Miss Swanson's home, accompanied by Miss Hazel Dunlap, newly appointed secretary of the state sinking fund commission, who had met him at the station. Others at the dinner party were Allan Dwan, Miss Swanson's director, and her husband, the Marquis De La Falaine.
During his call, the governor welcomed the star in the name of the state and to express his pleasure that New Martinsville had been selected for filming her latest production. more informally he said:
"Miss Swanson, if you do no get anything you want in West Virginia, just let me know. If there is anything that the state or I, as its chief executive, can do to aid your company, call on me. I wish you could make a tour of our state, devoting a year to it. There are 52 weeks in a year and 55 counties in West Virginia."
Miss Swanson said she was deeply grateful to the people of this city for the manner in which she has been received.
After dinner the governor joined Miss Swanson's party to attend a movie show, then caught his train for Charleston.