
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
May 27, 1861

Wheeling Intelligencer
June 5, 1861

About the Mails.

WHEELING, VA., June 4, 1861.

Editors of the Wheeling Intelligencer:

GENTLEMEN - The notice of the Post Office Department of the 27th May, discontinuing the postal service in the seceded States, is not intended to apply to Union counties of Western Virginia, as it is the intention of the Post Master General to afford the loyal citizens of those counties every mail facility in the power of the Department. All routes heretofore supplied with mails will be continued, and all contractors in the loyal counties are requested to continue their service according to contract, and in all cases where they may have discontinued it, they are desired to resume it at once. Post Masters whose offices may not be supplied with mails, will please apply to the Post Master at Wheeling; but no mails will be sent into secession counties.


A. B. WALLER, Special Agt. P. O. Dpt.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1861

West Virginia Archives and History