May 30, 1862
Quite a little scene was gotten up on Saturday evening last by the arrest of John Mutton, wagon maker of this town, a foul as well as loud-mouthed sympathizer with secession, on the charge of having uttered treasonable and seditious language, at different times and places, on the evidence of John Lazear and Wm. Briggs, who were summoned to testify. At whose instance the arrest was made, we are not advised, but the arrest was made on the order of the Provost Marshal of this military district, Maj. Darr, by Colonel Nicholls and others. Some of the incidents of the arrest were rather humorous. Mutton was not considered by any means a dangerous man, being rather cowardly, but an exceedingly disagreeable one; and mingling a good deal of keen wit with his outrageous slang, was not a good subject for a decent man to encounter. He was taken to Wheeling on the evening boat, confined in the Athenaeum during Sunday, until Monday morning, when, with a parcel of others, he was sent off to Camp Chase. It is said he was very abusive of the government and officers on Sunday, so much so that they tho't a little discipline at Camp Chase would be better for him, than the milder course they would otherwise have probably prescribed.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1862