
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 14, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
March 14, 1863

The Meeting To-Night.

There is no mistaking the din of preparation for a tremendous rally of the New State men to-night at the Atheneum, to hear the East Tennessee orator. It will be the great and memorable meeting of the campaign. Every arrangement has been made. The building has been comfortably fixed up in all particulars, and will be well lighted and well warmed. We expect to see it crowded, as it has never been for many a long day. We call upon New State men from all parts of the city to turn out in their strength, and give those who are opposed to the new State an earnest of what they may expect on election day. The meeting to-night will have a great effect on the canvass in the city, not only by reason of what will be heard, but also by reason of what will be seen. Therefore, we say, let every New State man rally to it, and make the welkin ring with enthusiastic cheers for the distinguished patriot who is to speak, and the cause for which he pleads. It is the general wish, also, that every opponent of the New State should come out. A cordial invitation is extended to all such. Let them come and hear the arguments in behalf of the New State. Come, everybody.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1863

West Virginia Archives and History