Meeting in Wetzel County - The Parkersburg Convention.
April 23, 1863
New Martinsville, Wetzel Co.,
April 18, 1863.
Editors Intelligencer:
Please publish the following proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of this county, and oblige MANY VOTERS.
A meeting of the citizens of Wetzel county having convened at the Court House on the evening of Tuesday the 14th inst. On motion James G. West, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. R. Brown, Esq., was appointed Secretary. On motion of Mr. George W. Bier, a Committee, consisting of the following gentlemen was appointed to draft resolutions. The Committee having retired for a short time, returned and reported the following:
Resolved, That as a Convention will be held at Parkersburg for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the office of Governor and other State officers for the State of West Virginia - that we respectfully suggest to the Convention that no no [sic] name shall be entertained before the Convention for any office whatever who is not known to be unconditionally sound both on the Union and New State question.
Resolved, That the citizens of this county having an abiding confidence in the abilities, integrity, firmness, and in all respects fitness of the Hon. Samuel Crane for the office of Governor, we respectfully recommend him to the Convention for nomination to that office.
Resolved, That the citizens of this county be and are hereby requested to hold meetings in their various precincts, and appoint delegates to attend a convention, to assemble at the Court House, on the 4th day of May, for the purpose of nominating suitable persons to fill the county offices.
The committee also reported the following gentlemen to represent this county in the Parkersburg convention, viz:
G. W. Bier, James G. West, Levi Sone, E. Kyle, Wm. M'Henry, F. G. Steele, Geo. J. Steele, Nathan Haines, John R. Brown and John Murphy.
It was also,
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Wheeling Intelligencer and all loyal papers within the bounds of the new State, be requested to copy.
J. G. West, Ch'n.
J. R. Brown, Sec'y.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1863