
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 21, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
February 22, 1864


The First West Virginia Infantry and a battalion of the 4th Cavalry, arrived yesterday afternoon and were received by a large number of citizens at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot. A lunch of sandwiches, hot coffee, apples and crackers had been prepared and eat out upon the platform of the freight depot. The soldiers entered the depot, preceded by the brass band belonging to the First, which played the popular air of "Rally Round the Flag." They were received by Gov. Boreman and Mayor Crangle, each of whom made brief speeches welcoming the veterans to the hospitalities of the city. The band played "Home, again," with great skill and effect, and the boys, having appeased their appetites, marched to the Atheneum where temporary quarters prepared for them.

The soldiers were on the road from six o'clock on Saturday evening, at which hour they left New Creek, until yesterday afternoon at two o'clock, the hour of their arrival, and, of course, they were considerably fatigues. We were glad to see so large a number of citizens present to receive the brave men who have been fighting our battles, and we doubt not it was exceedingly gratifying to the soldiers.

The reception supper takes place this evening at Washington Hall.

The Wheeling Daily Register
February 22,1864


The booming of the cannon about two o'clock yesterday afternoon, summoned a large number of persons to the depot to receive the veteran troops. The First Virginia Infantry and four companies (A, B, C, and E) of the Fourth Cavalry arrived soon after the alarm. Gov. Boreman and Mr. Hubbard, in a few appropriate remarks, welcomed the troops to the hospitalities of the city, when the men were disbanded and permitted to go to their homes.

Many of the men being prisoners at Richmond, others in hospitals, and a number having been killed the First now numbers but about two hundred and fifty men, rank and file. Two companies of the Eight Va. Infantry arrived in the city on Saturday morning, and were furnished with accommodations.

A reception supper will be given at Washington Hall this evening, when the whole party will no doubt be agreeable entertained. We tender them our best wishes, and hope they may have a pleasant time.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: February 1864

West Virginia Archives and History