
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 1861

Richmond Enquirer
September 24, 1861

From Western Virginia

A gentleman who reached this city yesterday afternoon direct from the White Sulphur Springs, says that a messenger arrived there on Thursday last from General Floyd's camp, which he left the previous day. General Floyd was encamped at Meadow Bluff. General Wise, the messenger said, was still at Big Sewell mountain, some miles beyond, having declined to fall back from that point.

The errand of the messenger was to hurry up all the force at the White Sulphur to Gen. Floyd's aid, as he was in expectation of an almost immediate attack. The messenger said it was believed, at the time of his leaving Floyd's camp, that Wise was already fighting.

Two companies thereupon left the White Sulphur to join Floyd, and four others to resume their posts with Wise's command.

From Gen. Lee's army he learned that nothing new had transpired.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: Undated: September 1861

West Virginia Archives and History