*The Convention met at 11 o'clock, A. M., and after prayer by Rev. Mr. Simmons, the journal was read and approved.
Mr. Lamb, from the Committee on Revision and Engrossment, submitted the additional articles of the Constitution, which on his motion were ordered to be printed under the supervision of the Committee on Revision and Engrossment.
On motion of Mr. Lamb the Convention took a recess until 5 o'clock this afternoon.
The Convention re-assembled.
Mr. Lamb, chairman of the Committee on Revision and Engrossment, submitted the revised schedule to the Constitution, except the names of the commissioners, which were not reported.
Mr. Brown of Kanawha, moved to amend the 122nd line by inserting after the word "sixty," the words "nor less than fifty."
Mr. Pomeroy moved to amend the amendment by inserting "forty," in lieu of "fifty," which was agreed to.
The amendment, as amended, was then adopted.
On motion of Mr. Lamb the said report was ordered to be printed under the supervision of the Committee on Revision and Engrossment.
Mr. Hoback offered the following resolution, which was rejected:
"Resolved, That the residue of the money appropriated by the legislature, to defray the expenses of this Convention be appropriated to pay the mileage of the delegates to said Convention in proportion to the amount paid for necessary travel."
Mr. Stuart of Doddridge, moved that when this Convention adjourns tomorrow, it will adjourn sine die.
Mr. Lamb moved to postpone the consideration of Mr. Stuart's motion for the present, which was agreed to.
And, on motion of Mr. Battelle, the Convention adjourned till tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.
*See note Vol. II, page 219.
Chapter Eleven: First Constitutional Convention of West Virginia