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Wayne County News
January 22, 1920

County's First Rural High School

The Ceredo District High School the home of the first rural high school ever established in this county. Since the founding of this school at Buffalo, other Junior High Schools have been established at Westmoreland, Fort Gay, and Wayne.

The Buffalo school building was built by the board of education after a hard local fight. The first principal was a professor from Ohio who resigned at the end of the first month. Prof. T. B. McClure was later high school principal and J. Floyd Harrison principal of the grades and assistant high school teacher. The following year Bertha Plymale was principal with Mr. Harrison again principal of the grades and assistant in high school work. During the next two years L. E. Cox served as principal with J. F. Hussell as assistant. This year the faculty is made up of G. W. Hypes, principal, J. F. Hussell and Miss Pansey Staley.

The school has grown from a third class to a second class high school. In the school equipment is included a barn, for the benefit of students who ride, a baseball field, a basket-ball court, tennis court, garden, etc. The school is well attended and popular with students living within a radius of several miles of Buffalo. Incidentally, it might be added that this school supports a stong Parent Teacher Association.


With the death of Mrs. Eliza Ann Clark, who died. . . on Lick Creek a few days ago, is the passing of one the most remarkable women in Wayne County on account of the fact that she is possibly survived by more descendants than any other person who has ever lived in the county. Before she died, she was the oldest representative of five living generations.

Mrs. Clark is the mother of 11 children, 4 living; 101 grandchildren, 82 living; 313 great- grandchildren, 255 living; and 44 great-great grandchildren, 40 living. That is a total of 469 descendants, 381 of whom are living.

At the time of her death, Mrs. Clark was 94 years old, but despite her advanced age, she was active almost until the last. She read small print and did intricate sewing without the benefit of eyeglasses and was able to walk several miles a day to visit relatives to within a few days of her death.

Mrs. Clark, who is the widow of David Clark, was born in . . .Virginia. She was a member of the United Baptist Church for over 40 years. Her descendants are found in every section of Wayne County.


A concrete example of just what progressive poultry farming is may be seen in the following report of Mrs. Victoria Rigg, wife of Chas. Rigg of Whites Creek, this county, which has been made at the request of County Agent R. T. Gray.

Explanatory to reading the report, it should be said that the egg yield of the hens is not represented as high as it actually was, since dogs and crows are responsible for the loss of dozens of eggs during the year. The report indicates only the exact expenditures and receipts, exclusive of losses of any kind. If there are any others in the county who can produce better reports than this one, Wayne County News will be glad to receive them.

Mrs. Rigg's report, which will be read with interest by hundreds of folks in this county, is a complete record of her flock for the entire year just closed and reads as follows:

Hens January 1st, 1919. . . . . . 80
Sold November 1st, 1919. . . . . 25
Hens January 1st, 1920. . . . . 63
Av. No. hens during year. . . . . 74
No. eggs laid during year. . 10,611
Av. eggs per hen. . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Highest price received for eggs. .60 cents per . . .(Copy runs out)

Transcription by June White

Wayne County News