
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
January 17, 1865

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
January 18, 1865

Governor Boreman in his message to the Legislature yesterday, pays a very handsome and well deserved compliment to Adjutant General Peirpoint for the patient labor he has almost gratuitously performed in the preparation of his annual report. General Peirpont has made a most voluminous report, embracing a great deal of information in relation to his department that will be very valuable and interesting to the public. He has made a tull [sic] and clear report of every officer and soldier in all of the West Virginia regiments, when enlisted mastered out, killed, wounded or missing. The preparation of this report has involved a great deal of hard labor and patient researsh [sic], and is exceedingly creditable alike to its author's efficiency and patriotism.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: January 1865

West Virginia Archives and History